What Voice Are You Hearing?

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Silence the voices in your head! Sometimes, you talk to you. Sometimes, the negativity of your past or past generations will come back to talk to you in a moment when you are down. It's time to walk yourself out of your fears. Featuring STBM's favorite lady guest speaker, you'll be able to do just that. What Voice Are You Hearing? 

Step one: Make a worry box. Step two: Write down everything you are worried about on pieces of paper and put them inside of your box. Step three: Decide that you will only rely on God's strength to overcome everything inside of your box. Remember: God doesn't always answer your questions in the way that you think they will be answered, but He will always come through for you. Every time a worry is conquered, throw it out of your worry box and replace it with the story of how it's been overcome! Pretty soon your worry box will become your overcomer box! Delve into this meaningful teaching to start practicing what you know for sure. You can conquer the voices in your head...so let's get into it!

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