Chanukah: The Reality of Light

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The story of Chanukah is the story of a miracle. The menorah in the Temple, with only enough oil to stay lit for one day, burns for eight days. However there is much more to this story. Was the relighting in a Temple that had been desecrated and restored more miraculous than the first time the menorah illuminated Tabernacle in the wilderness? Could the second light be greater than the first? Are the chanukiahs that burn brightly at night in the windows of homes during Chanukah the greatest of miracles? 

Join Ralph Messer as he uncovers hidden meanings behind this beautiful, reflective holiday. What is light? How is it created? What is its purpose? How can we bring more light into our own lives and to those shrouded in darkness? Be ready for an impactful life change when you delve into this incredible series of teachings.

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