Quickview What Are You Trading? Are You Trading on God's Trading Floor? MSRP: Was : Now : $32.00 - $36.00 Choose Options
Quickview Habit Records: A Changed Habit Is a Changed Lifestyle MSRP: Was : Now : $39.00 - $49.00 Choose Options
Quickview Happiness: The Fragrance of a Life of Order MSRP: Was : Now : $12.00 - $15.00 Choose Options
Quickview Take Control of Your Thoughts: Understanding Speculative Imagination MSRP: Was : Now : $5.00 - $10.00 Choose Options
Sold Out Don't Trade Your Mountain Your mountain is the destiny God has planned for your life. Don’t trade it away through foolish words or actions. We end up trading the good for the bad when we covet what someone else has, act prideful, or despise the very blessing He has in store... MSRP: Was : Now : $15.00 - $22.00 Out of stock. Check back soon!
Roots and the Origins of Seed We need to grasp the roots and origins of effective trading. How? It all starts with seed. Investing into the future of our lives through what we do with today's actions (seeds) is making sure we are planting good seeds to grow for tomorrow. It may sound... MSRP: Was : Now : $12.00 - $15.00 Choose Options
Strength Undone Join Ralph Messer in the combat zone of attributes, and identify the real war raging within us: the battle between our strength and our weakness. Although weakness can consume our lives, we are able to counteract it by knowing how to use the proper... MSRP: Was : Now : $12.00 - $15.00 Choose Options
What Are You Trading? Are You Trading on God's Trading Floor? Whether we realize it or not, we are always trading time. The question is: What are we trading it for? Does it really matter? The principles of God are a safeguard for us, but what is the result when we choose to trade time in the name or influence of:... MSRP: Was : Now : $32.00 - $36.00 Choose Options
Change Threatens Fear Fear is the absence of mentorship, yet in order to change, mentors are exactly what we need. What is it that causes us to change and how do we know that change is coming? In this series, the topic of fear now becomes subject to its old enemy... change... MSRP: Was : Now : $32.00 - $36.00 Choose Options
Giant Slayer Feeling ordinary, small, and powerless to defeat the giants in your life? Just as David, a simple shepherd, slew the giant Goliath, so too can you triumph over the “Goliath” threatening your life or your family, whether it is debt, illness,... MSRP: Was : Now : $19.00 - $22.00 Choose Options
Habit Records: A Changed Habit Is a Changed Lifestyle At the beginning of the formation of any habit, the brain invests "brain fuel" to create that habit. The creation process for this habit is like building a house: hard and tedious work goes into constructing the house, but once the house is built, the... MSRP: Was : Now : $39.00 - $49.00 Choose Options
Words Create Worlds In this gear-grinding teaching, words are not just words; they develop into something more. Like the structure of atoms, words make up the character of who someone becomes. Words are CHARACTER. Words create CULTURE. If this is true, then carelessness... MSRP: Was : Now : $12.00 - $15.00 Choose Options
What Are You Practicing? What Are You Practicing? In this dynamic teaching, you will discover that what you practice today is what determines your destiny. Diligence in the smallest things will help you persevere when the big decisions of your life come. Be encouraged knowing... MSRP: Was : Now : $19.00 - $22.00 Choose Options
Success: A Result of Decisions Everything that God designed was done successfully and was designed FOR success. Likened unto a manufacturer who knows the blueprint and provides the warranty, God knows what the blueprint looks like for each of our lives. Even though we may not... MSRP: Was : Now : $15.00 - $22.00 Choose Options
Established Goals Everyone is a goal-setter. We make plans to go the grocery store, do laundry, meet friends. Why then, do we sometimes fail to accomplish our aspirations for success? In an inspiring message on leadership, Ralph Messer breaks down the process to obtain... MSRP: Was : Now : $12.00 - $15.00 Choose Options
How to Keep Vision under Pressure When you have a vision for your life, and you pursue it, expect both support and opposition. How do you stay on track to accomplish your goals in light of all the obstacles that come your way? The bigger the vision, the more chance there is of falling... MSRP: Was : Now : $12.00 - $15.00 Choose Options
The Responsibility of Irresponsibility Life doesn't become a game until you start taking chances.When taking a chance becomes a game to someone who is wealthy—or even a source of hope to someone who is poor—they are walking on thin ice in the world of responsibility. What will... MSRP: Was : Now : $19.00 - $22.00 Choose Options
Happiness: The Fragrance of a Life of Order God designed us to connect to Him and others through joy, yet many people are unhappy and hurting. Offenses come easily while wealth, stability, and healthy relationships seem elusive. In an uplifting and challenging message, learn how Torah ethics and... MSRP: Was : Now : $12.00 - $15.00 Choose Options
Take Control of Your Thoughts: Understanding Speculative Imagination God calls men to be visionaries. Whatever captivates a man’s imagination will determine the goals he pursues; you will always move in the direction of your most dominant mental image.Ralph Messer delivers a clear understanding of speculative... MSRP: Was : Now : $5.00 - $10.00 Choose Options
The AAA Battery Have you ever felt like you wanted to change something in your life but didn’t quite know what or how? You may be struggling with depression, frustrated by being passed over for that promotion you know you deserve, or even seeking how to get in the... MSRP: Was : Now : $15.00 - $22.00 Choose Options
Character to Life A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men. Proverbs (Mishlei) 18:16 Every human comes to the earth with something humanity needs. You were designed by the Creator to use your gifts and talents to benefit your generations... MSRP: Was : Now : $32.00 - $43.00 Choose Options
The Character of Esther Esther was a woman in the Bible at whom everyone can marvel. Not only was she able to captivate others by her physical appearance, which caused a king to choose her as his queen, she also had an equal reflection of inner beauty which enabled her to act... MSRP: Was : Now : $15.00 - $22.00 Choose Options